Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I was awed by the immensity of the relief effort taking place in Haiti. Even though I only experienced a very small part of it, it was not hard to understand how much was going on around me. From the lines of big trucks loaded with relief supplies waiting at the border to the constant sound of helicopters flying people and aid around, there was so much movement. The role I played seemed so insignificant. Yet, I realized there are very few people who are in a position and are capable of being the giants in this type of situation. And for them to be effective it takes thousands of other dedicated folks to make the system work. I met so many ordinary people who decided they had something to offer. Together we were doing wonderful things. One could not help but be inspired again and again by so many people coming together to help out those in need. I was constantly reminded of how serving others is such an important part of the life I want to lead.

Now that I am back in the States and have the time, energy and a good enough connection I can put up some more info. First off I want to thank a few people who helped motivate me to do more than just go and volunteer. Roni Krouzman gave me the spark and then delivered with a huge amount of advice on how to reach out to people to get more going. He got me going on the blog and the facebook cause and also spent time raising money and donations for the relief effort. With Roni, Matthew, Angelina, Patrick and Lydia as my support crew we raised about $4000 dollars in cash and material donations in under a week. The way everyone pitched in with so little notice or planning is incredible. I was truly moved by the amount of support. On behalf of NPH and myself, thank you.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

These are kids from tent cities at day camps run by NPH. They run 5 of them with over a hundred kids at each camp. Many of the activities are run by young adults that grew up in the NPH orphanage in Haiti.

The rest of the photos were taken by my friend Mark while he was touring Port au Prince on
the back of motorcycle.

Here is a video that I took while stuck in traffic at the border. Did I mention it is the worst border I have ever crossed?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


It just seems horrible that a parent would abandon their child. At least that is what I was thinking when I went with my friend Dortje to visit the abandoned baby room at the hospital. We were talking about it and she was telling me about some kids who are getting treated and then when the day comes for them to go home no one comes to pick them up. Some parents know that they can’t feed their children and at the hospital they get fed several times a day. So many people are living under a sheet held up by sticks and have no way to care for their kids. Others are afraid of the bandits roaming around. And others simply can’t afford to get here.
In the abandoned baby room it seems that most of them are special needs kids. Also, there were some older kids that they did not know what to do with yet as their parents had not come. One girl who was maybe 12 had been brought to Port au Prince from the country by her parents when she was very young to live with her aunt. Her aunt died in the earthquake and she does not know her parents names or the town she is from. So while the social service dept does an investigation she is in limbo here at the hospital. Certainly the orphanage will take her in when social services is done.
I spent about 45 minutes holding or playing with the kids. I intended to take photos and or video but I couldn’t. I can’t really explain why, but it did not feel right. Maybe when I get more time to spend with the kids in the hospital I will feel comfortable photographing them.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

just noticed i can upload videos right to this site. i will do that next time i am in haiti if you don't want to go through youtube.